Saturday, January 28, 2012

Speeding sand

     Walking on a beach in a remote part of the coast one could sometimes fail to notice the sand. Still, each grain (under specific conditions, like entering the atmosphere at tens of kilometers per second) can not only attract attention but also bring a smile on the face of the onlookers. A meteor!

     The comparison with a grain of sand usually implies insignificance.  But who says that a grain of sand is not much?

     Especially when it shares the orbit with it's parent comet, like these Perseids racing with 109/P Swift-Tuttle.

1 comment:

  1. Imi aminteste de un vis in care zeci de meteoriti se apropiau de suprafata Pamantului. M-am speriat initial, nu stiam cum as putea scapa din fata catastrofei. Am realizat curand cum, contrar asteptarilor, incetineau foarte mult cu cat ajungeau mai aproape de noi. S-au oprit aproape complet si-apoi, ca niste balonase de sapun, se spargeau la atingerea oricarui obiect, lasand in urma un praf vindecator, albastru stralucitor. Peste tot s-a asezat o liniste dulce, lumina si pacea domneau pe chipurile oamenilor.

    Prima imagine a fost impulsul final ce m-a determinat sa te contactez. Am vazut-o pe un site, atasata unui articol, si mi-am amintit ca mi se mai vorbise despre Alex Tudorica. :)
